Let us be honest for a moment, the time for politeness has long passed. We do NOT have a climate problem, we have an ECONOMIC model problem.

Let us be honest for a moment, the time for politeness has long passed. We do NOT have a climate problem, we have an ECONOMIC model problem, it has always been an economic model problem. The climate is behaving exactly as the scientists told us it would, we knew this would happen eventually, but why didn’t we change course? 

Capitalism: Capitalism must always grow, stripping resources for as cheap as possible, always looking for new markets, while extracting profits for shareholders. And now, instead of worshipping this magnificent planet like we did for millennia, we worship a new invisible God we call 'the market', that in just a few centuries, brought us the 6th Mass Extinction event.

None of the leaders at COP can do anything about this problem unless we address the root cause of climate collapse... Capitalism. And nobody up top is ready to do that because the system pays its henchmen handsomely, giving them cushy consultancy jobs, or a chance to sit on the board of one of the same companies that pumps billions of tons of carbon into the air for the benefit of the very few. A climate conference sponsored by Coca Cola. 600 fossil fuel representatives? Have we lost our minds?

Our rulers, our real rulers, not the guys sitting here in suits, cannot admit that they were wrong about capitalism. Not after colonizing the world, not after the billions spent, and the blood spilt, to protect and expand their wealth and power. Making sure that any state that attempted an alternative society, a fairer, more just way of living failed. Otherwise, we, the people, would notice that we never needed them. True value, true power, lies in the hands of the farmer, the builder, the teacher... and not the bankers and entrepreneurs, that turned this world into a shopping mall where everything is for sale, including our politicians. 

Unless we name the elephant in the room, nothing will change. 

And that elephant is capitalism.

Thomas Diacono

Thomas Diacono is the founder of Rave Revolution, an international movement to force governments to convert their economic measurements from GDP to GPI. The demand will be effectuated by dancing, giant rave parties that surround the most important buildings (i.e.  Congress, Parliament, the White House) of developed nations. Essentially, we dance until the government agrees to convert.


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